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Is insurance higher on luxury vehicles? Because car insurance is designed to protect your vehicle, the high price of a luxury car inevitably leads to higher insurance costs. For the models included in our survey, the average annual insurance premium for a luxury car was about 34% higher than the cost of insuring a moderately priced sedan.
Does Vicks on feet reduce fever? Putting Vicks on the bottom of your feet will help reduce fever, and socks will keep the Vicks from getting all over your floor!
How do you know if you have dengue fever? Symptoms generally last for about 10 days and can include: sudden, high fever (up to 106 degrees Fahrenheit) severe headache. swollen lymph glands. severe joint and muscle pains. skin rash (appearing between two and five days after the initial fever) mild to severe nausea. mild to severe vomiting.
Should I eat when I have the flu? Whether you prefer chicken, beef, or vegetable, broth is one of the best things you can eat when you have the flu. You can eat it as soon as your symptoms begin and until you have fully recovered. Broth helps prevent dehydration, and the warm elements can help soothe a sore throat and relieve congestion.
Is 99.6 degrees a normal temperature? Your child has a fever if oral (mouth) temperature is over 99.6 degrees F (or 37.6 degrees C). Your child has a fever if axillary (armpit) temperature is over 98.6 degrees F (or 37 degrees C). A normal temperature is 97-100.4 degrees F (or 36-38 degrees C).
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