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 You are genuinely happy when you see the people around you, your neighbor, your colleague, strangers but familiar faces you meet every day on the way to work. You rejoice to see the opening of big and small shops, shoe and sewing workshops, when you see the trader who has taken his former place in the market again…You involuntarily approach the trader, ask questions, say a warm word, feel that we are strong together. 

Vitali Grigoryan, an entrepreneur who produces cold coffee and soft drinks in Askeran, and more specifically in the Ghlizbagh district, has been living this feeling since November 11, when he left for Yerevan to bring his family immediately after the end of the war.
He says the children were very happy to learn that they were coming back tomorrow. Within two days, after the factory was put into operation with family members, "Lily-Albert" LLC resumed its activity.
The warmth of a neat, small wood-burning stove was compounded by the radiant colors of the finished products: apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries, tarragon, lime, cherry lemonade.
When the war broke out, many members of the family moved to Yerevan, and Vitali joined the mob. They had a lot of finished products at that time. Vitali, with the help of his friends, sent it to the hospital for help, to the positions, and distributed it to the rest of the population.
The family business was established a year and a half ago. At first, they were only engaged in the production of iced coffee, and since February of this year, soft drinks. In a short period of time, the product gained a good reputation and a stable market, which is evidenced by the fact that it was widely consumed and delivered to all 7 regions of Artsakh and Stepanakert. By the way, this company is the only one with its product in Askeran region (the two companies operating a few years ago were closed) and one of the three companies in Artsakh: the other two companies operate in the Martakert and Martuni regions.
Naturally, "now it does not work at the previous capacity. They make and sell about 1,500 bottles of lemonade and as much cold coffee in two days throughout the week. But the founder of the company, Vitali, does not lose hope. It is clear, people are not in the mood, the weather is not comfortable, he says, in time everything will be fine. Now they work only with family members, but in the near future they intend to employ people who have lost their homes and places and found refuge in Askeran. "At least we can help them with that," says Vitali. He said about the plans that he intends to change the factory, automate it, and take a courier. Now he does that work himself. As before, the raw materials are received from Yerevan.
During our stay there, Armenian journalists visited the workshop. The conversation gained momentum and, as they say, “the toasts became sweeter”. The guests asked the chairman of the Artsakh Union of Journalists, who was there at that moment as a neighbor, to say a wish: "Let the peace be lasting, let everyone return to their homes, let there be many opportunities for joy, and let the business of Vitaly and other companies grow and prosper."