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Cultivation of grapes and winemaking in our country dates back to immemorial times, which have remained important and key directions for horticulture and economy even today. As with any crop, the volume of grape cultivation is highly dependent on sales opportunities. Fortunately, there is no problem with this in the Martuni region. The horticulturists of the region process a part of their produce themselves to obtain vodka and wine, the rest is procured at the branches of the Stepanakert brandy factory. According to Ararat Hayrapetyan, director of the factory's Martuni branch, up to 4,000 tons of harvest can be received, but based on the annual yield index, about 600 tons of harvest will be harvested this year, which will increase by about 150 tons compared to last year. The grape harvesting process has started in the Martuni area. Only white grapes with 20% and higher sugar content are accepted. Black varieties are accepted in Stepanakert. There is no change in the price of grapes, last year's prices are 140-145 drams due to sugar content. Before the third Artsakh war, in different years, 2,500-6,000 tons of crops were harvested, depending on the yield of the year and the capabilities of the factory: the growth of harvested crops was recorded from year to year. Wines, cognac alcohol, fruit and wheat vodkas from various fruits and wheat were prepared in the branch from accepted grapes (black, white, table varieties), and bottling was organized. Now the red wines have been transported to the Stepanakert factory, where they receive the raw materials and process them. The main direction of the factory is the production of brandy, along with 6 types of fruit vodkas and about as many wines. They cooperate with Yerevan brandy factory. At the Martuni branch, only brandy alcohol raw materials are prepared. From the obtained white wine, cognac alcohol is distilled on the spot, which, according to the contract, is delivered to the cognac factory in Yerevan and the head factory in Stepanakert. In case of increased demand, a part of the grapes is procured from Armenia. There is a separate workshop for wine and cognac aging; aging started in 1999, today they have from 2004 to 2010 aging product. Before the war, they also procured pomegranates and had serious plans for pomegranate cultivation, a separate processing plant was already ready, there was the first juice and doshab product, which was in great demand, but after the war, the process was stopped. "Madatoff" brandy of the Stepanakert cognac factory is well known, competitive in the Armenian markets, successfully sold abroad, in Armenia and in small quantities in Artsakh. Vodkas are also in demand. When it comes to wines, there is no high-quality raw material, and this is the main prerequisite for obtaining a suitable product.