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As we have already informed, after the April events,an operational headquarters was established in the NKR Government, which comprises heads of responsible structures

 Considerable part of the headquarters' works is assigned to the Ministry of Urban Development.

According to Minister Shahramanyan, the ministry started the works in the border area, on the positions and in the territories exposed to shelling immediately after the ceasefire, and the works on the  restoration of the infrastructures were conducted also during the four-day war. In Matagis, Martakert, and Martuni region's Nerkin Chartar, 110 houses, schools, state and public facilities suffered from the shelling. Mr. Shahramanyan noted that despite the continuing aggressive actions of the enemy, the measurements had been made, corresponding materials purchased, and reconstruction works carried out. But, as a result of the shelling, new destructions took place. The RA Ministry of Urban Development and Armenian benefactors from Russia rendered their assistance by supplying building materials.

Naturally, the Ministry of Urban Development has a lot to do on the front line: in cooperation with the NKR Defense Army, construction of defensive engineering structures is underway in the north-south direction. The number of operating equipment is increasing there every day. According to the minister, to date, 62 units of equipment are operating on the frontline (8 of which were provided by Gazprom ArmeniaCompany).

When asked why the works on strengthening the front linehad intensified just after the April war, Mr. Shahramanyan noted that the intensification of theworks did not mean that the frontline had not been protected earlier. Merely, the April war forced us to develop new strategy and tactics, because the change in the enemy’s tactics caused the need for changing the defense systems.

Naturally, the April war has created new problems, putting forward new priorities. Today, the entire potential of the state is focused on ensuring the country's defense and security. This means that the state program of construction will also undergo changes. The realization of some programs will be delayed, and the funds will be directed to the implementation of more important strategic programs. Naturally, they will be aimed at strengthening the borderline positions.

Karen Shahramanyan expressed his gratitude to those companies and their managers, which are unselfishly involved in the works, providing both the necessary equipment and human resources. To date, the engineering works on strengthening the frontline involve 30 similar organizations.